Asset Management


Optima Asset Management has a highly experienced investment management team focused on Tanzanian and East African Market who manage assets on behalf of both African and Global Investors.

Optima is licensed by the Capital Markets and Securities Authority (CMSA) in Tanzania to provide investment advisory and Fund Management Services.

Our clients
Our clients are mainly institutional and corporate investors with short-term cash management and medium-to-long term investment needs, including retirement funds asset management, and retail investors with surplus cash to invest at regular intervals or in once off lump sum investments.

Our retail clients comprise of individual investors, high net-worth individuals, clubs, small business associations, and community cooperatives.

We aim to adopt the best values and techniques as practiced internationally into the Tanzanian investment management industry.

Our main areas of business:

  • Management of Employee Retirement Benefits (Pension/Provident funds)
  • Institutional Cash Management Provision
  • Property Investments
  • Insurance Funds
  • Advisory Services
  • Private Equity

We do this through a variety of both domestic and offshore investment instruments for Corporates, Governments & Paratstatals , International Organizations and Non Governmental Organizations.

We believe that we are able to add value to the treasury and cash management functions of any institution through active investment management.

Institutional investors can enjoy the following benefits:

  • Competitive Yield - we can provide a competitive yield thus enhancing investment returns and ultimately stretching your resources. We believe that this is an important aspect of our service.
  • Return on Investment - we seek to generate a total annualized rate of return above the agreed benchmark. The investment portfolio shall be designed with the objective of attaining a REAL RATE OF RETURN on its investments consistent with the constraints imposed by its safety objectives and cash flow considerations
  • Safety - several attributes lend themselves to the safety and security of assets: 
    • Assets are held off our balance sheet and in the client’s name to enhance transparency
    • Principal/fixed income investments: The assets will be held in near cash instruments ensuring principal/capital protection at a minimum.
  • Liquidity - portfolios will comprise of term deposits which will be selected and managed with active client participation and input into the investments to ensure adequate liquidity at all times
  • Client’s Oversight - our feedback on the investment guidelines and parameters is primarily to the clients.